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Buttress joins RIBA mentoring scheme

Two members of the Buttress team have joined the RIBA North West mentoring programme to help architecture students at regional universities develop towards becoming fully-qualified architects.

students sat at table in studio with worksheets

Associate, Gwenno Jones, and architect, Sam Gill, have each been matched with two undergraduate students in their second year of study at The Manchester School of Architecture.

Sam and Gwenno will be working with their mentees for the duration of the academic year, delivering a a total of four sessions that will cover a range of topics including, looking at the design process and how it evolves over time; providing support on professional matters such as CV writing; portfolio presentation and techniques, as well as an introduction into working life in a busy studio.

The sessions will aim to enhance the students’ learning and provide practical preparation for their year out to help ease the transition from academic study to professional life.